Survival of The Fittest

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Seal Hunt

Paul McCartney and his wife pose with a seal pup in an effort to bring attention to Canada’s annual seal hunt. Seal pups aren’t actually targeted in these hunts but nonetheless, I respect Paul for making an effort.

And before we go any further, let’s get one thing straight. I’m not taking sides on this. In my opinion, whether you club a seal or you put a bolt through a cows head and grill it – to each their own. I just want to point out that approximately 10,000 people rely on the annual seal hunt in order to provide for their families. To top it off, the seal population is higher than it’s been in years. Besides, I hear they taste like chicken.

Anyway, while drumming up some public awareness for his “Please don’t beat the pretty little seal pups” campaign, it was noticed that McCartney (and his wife) actually broke some sort of law by touching/hugging the little buggers. It’s one of those “You’re interfering with the natural existence of wildlife by getting too close” rules.

I found this remarkably interesting. Apparently, Canadians believe that hugging a seal in a loving way is inappropriate…but beating it to death with a blunt club is ok – assuming it’s done during hunting season.

Canadians are….dare I say…BRILLIANT!


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